Tuesday, 4 March 2008


I don't have a great deal of luck with Facebook notes; a couple of nights ago I wrote for 40-45 mins about everything that's going on, and then it just disappeared for no reason. I swear, I didn't touch a damn thing, but the box was there one moment and then the next it wasn't. And now I've been reading back over old notes, and apparently this happens quite often to me. *shrugs*

I'm too tired right now to write a huge long note the way I did the other night, plus I'm in the middle of the commercial break for America's Next Top Model (and Tyson Beckford is on this show! Tyson Beckford! Wow! See me getting excited?) So here's the bare bones of the situation:

I'm back on the internet, after several months of not having any, and I find that my blog on the Oaklands website isn't working - not that I was keeping it up to date, after all the kerfaffle in the autumn. I AM going to start a new blog, although I don't know where yet. But in a couple of weeks I'll scout around and see if I can find a site that suits my needs, and then anyone who wants the address can have it.

Christmas was fine, but a week or two after it I got a really nasty virus, which may or may not have been glandular fever / mono, and which knocked me on my ass. And then just as I was STARTING to feel better, I came down with a case of Bell's Palsy (which happens now and then after a virus) and for the last ten days or so, I've been completely paralysed on the right side of my face. I only started getting movement back yesterday, but it's starting to feel a lot better now, and I can smile a bit and stuff.

Mothers' Day was Sunday, and on Saturday we went to Tony and Debbie's to have dinner and discuss the wedding. It's all going really well, and everything's going to be so lovely for them, which makes me really happy. The only pain in the butt thing is that I have to buy a dress for it, which I can't afford, since everything in my closet is white or cream. I have ONE blue dress that I might be able to wear, but it might be too formal, I don't know.

For the last few nights I've been trawling through facebook, just randomly looking through profiles of people who went to Beaumont, and reading interesting things, sending some notes, just saying hi to people I used to know, or even people I never really knew. Commenting on things that they wrote. It makes me wonder if people can see me on there, the way there are apparently all those myspace trackers, and if they wonder why I'm lurking. I don't want them to think I'm a stalker, or even that I'm unfriendly, so here's hoping nobody's tracking me. And if you ARE, just come and say hi if you want, OK?

Well, I've been talking to Oli on here, and I've sort of lost my train of thought, so I'm going to leave this note here, OK? I'll try and keep you guys updated regularly until I find a new place for a blog. Hope y'all are well. xx