Wednesday, 25 February 2009

25 Things - Part 2

Because it's easier to sit here feeding you pieces of junk information than actually get on with the things I'm supposed to be doing.

So, onwards.

1) I have a closetful of clothes, and yet most days I end up wearing a skirt that I have to put desk clips on to hold it up. I really like this skirt. I know I should wear something else, but this one feels...comfy. Despite the stationery accessories.

2) I never understand why women are flattered when a guy compares them to Helen of Troy, or a Siren. Sure, those women were beautiful, but they were also evil. If I were going to be any mythological / historical figure, I'd be Scherezade. But most of the time I'm pretty happy being a nobody from St. Albans.

3) Generally I understand that God / the universe / nature / fate (delete as applicable) has a plan for me, but now and then I get pretty ratty about the fact that His plans seem to take precedence over my own.

4) If I were the type of girl who could eat whatever she wanted and stay thin, I'd eat hamburgers every day.

5) I can remember most of the 400-odd pokemon, and the elements on the periodic table, and the lyrics to So Solid Crew songs, but I can't remember my friends' birthdays or if I ate breakfast this morning or where I left my blue sandals.

6) Today I bought three books from the Oxfam bookshop: a medical book, a Japanese-English dictionary, and a book about ancient languages, none of which I need (except maybe the dictionary - maybe) and all of which I shall enjoy greatly. I do wish I'd brought my mother's shopping trolley though, since three heavy books plus my laptop plus my handbag plus the six-pack of Coke I'm supposed to buy later is going to equal some very sore arms when I get home, and probably I'll end up taking a cab instead of the bus.

7) Yesterday I adopted three teenage boys. They kept knocking on my door and running away, and I wanted to yell at them for disturbing my work (i.e. sleep), but instead I fed them and now they've agreed to come back occasionally on Sundays for cookies. If there are two things I've learned since working at the youth center, they would be 1) that teenage boys constantly want attention and 2) if they can't get attention, food is usually an acceptable substitute.

8) The thing I hate most in the world is people who cause others harm in the name of God.

9) I always eat all the orange creams from the chocolate selection boxes.

10) This week I learned to count from one to nineteen in Japanese, and that's basically all the productive stuff I've done recently. (I've been stuck in bed with a chest infection.)

11) I will always maintain the viewpoint that happiness is a choice you make, rather than a gift that's handed to you.

12) I have a crush on Scratch from Roll Deep. I don't know why.

13) I think Missy Elliott is one of the prettiest women I've ever seen.

14) Generally I prefer beer to wine. But then generally I also prefer water to beer. I'm not a big drinker.

15) I've cheated death a number of times. Or at least I feel like I have. But truth is, it probably wasn't anything to do with me, it just wasn't my time to go. It sounds cooler to say that *I* cheated death than to say that death wasn't ready for me, though.

16) I have a big crush on a guy, and I think he fancies me too. But he's fascinated with me because I remind him of himself, even though he doesn't realise it, and I'm not sure that that's a good reason to go out with someone.

17) Even though I was born on the 3rd of February, and the horoscope changes on the 20th of January, by temperament I'm as much Capricorn as I am Aquarius, or nearly as much. I sit right on the edge of birthstones, too, so I wear both amethysts and garnets. Which results in twice as much jewellery, so it works for me.

18) People have given me some pretty expensive gifts in the past, and I'm scared to use them, so they sit in my drawer, or in my closet. (Or in Cameron's closet.) I tend to go by the rule, don't own anything that you can't afford to lose. Which means mostly I buy my clothes from H&M and New Look and Victoria's Secret, but Trish gave me a pair of Manolos that cost more than the entire rest of my wardrobe combined, and I keep them at Cam's house and only wear them around the living room, because I'm too scared of breaking or losing them to wear them out.

19) I've never cheated on a test, or on a boyfriend, or on anything else that I can think of.

20) The low GI diet that I'm (supposed to be) on is probably good for my body, but it's causing me a lot of emotional anguish. I miss carbs.

21) My favourite T-shirt says "I'm Not Really Bi, I'm Just Too Slutty To Care Who I Fuck." I wear it to bed when I stay at Cam's place, and it always makes me laugh.

22) The best feeling in the world to me is a clean, smooth, just-shaved body on clean fresh sheets.

23) If I couldn't write, I think I'd go insane.

24) I will never EVER learn to like running.

25) Anyone who says chocolate is better than sex is with the wrong person.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

25 Random Things

I stole this from my cousin. He didn't tag me, but I tend to read peoples notes, and sometimes I like to steal them.

So here goes:

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs (or the + sign) on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

So if I tagged you, tell me 25 random things about you!

1. I don't sleep well. A lot of the time I don't sleep at all. For some strange reason I feel guilty about this - I don't know why, it's not like I chose insomnia - so when people ask me what I do all the time I say, "Oh, work and research and stuff" when the truth is that I'm more likely to have been playing Spyro the Dragon all night.

2. I support Arsenal. I don't know a damn thing about football, except that you have to kick the ball into one of the nets, and if you get it in the wrong one people throw things at you and call you a stupid girl. I just like having someone to cheer for.

3. I own enough underwear to clothe Afghanistan.

4. I've never asked a guy out. (Yes, still.)

5. I love to read, but I don't read all that many things other than medical books and Mills & Boon. I stick the occasional classic in there, just to feel well-rounded.

6. I consider myself an honest person, but I'll deceive my ass off with no remorse if I think it's for your own good. I rarely tell actual lies; I'm just very good at leading people towards false conclusions.

7. I sleep with the light on. I've had nightmares for years. I tried to downgrade to a nightlight on the first of January, but it only worked for two nights. When I'm asleep, everything scares me. Which strikes me as strange, because when I'm awake, nothing scares me.

8. Except throwing up. It always baffles me how nausea sends me into a panic attack when I can cope with anything else under the sun - but I suppose there are some secrets of the universe that I'm not supposed to learn.

9. I've always dismissed Mensa as mental masturbation, but recently I joined, because I wanted someone to go to when I'm awake at night with inane questions circling through my head. I'm hoping that I'll find a friend who'll be willing to discuss these things, although I haven't found him yet. (I've lost faith in girls, at least when it comes to things like this. Women are far too normal, except when they're drunk.)

10. Anne of Green Gables is my hero.

11. My friend Cam keeps all my un-PC T-shirts at his house, so I don't give into the temptation to wear them outside. Yesterday he had to clear out a second drawer for me, and I don't even see him that often. He bitched about this for quite a while, which strikes me as strange, since most of them came from him.

12. Publicly, I fall on the "unhealthy" side of the size-zero debate, even when I'm slim. In private, I sometimes think it would be nice to be that thin...maybe just for a day or two...*looks guilty*

13. If someone said they loved me enough to die for me I'd probably break several of their bones.

14. I spend quite a bit of my time listening to rap music and watching hood movies. I also spend quite a bit of my time gardening and making lace. Deal with it.

15. There's one thing that I can do better than everyone else, and it's something that feels wrong to do. Go figure.

16. I'm basically heterosexual, although if Keri Hilson made me a proposition I might be persuaded otherwise.

17. My ambition in life is to go everywhere and see everything.

18. I often think that my body has forgot how to produce adrenaline.

19. It pisses me off that guys always seem to think that "I don't really drink" and "I'm not a heavy partier" equate with "I don't put out".

20. I work with teenagers, and every time they ask me a question that begins "How old were you when you first..." I add three years to the real answer.

21. Everything has some element of humor to it.

22. It's my nature to destroy. This isn't always a bad thing, but chances are you won't be able to understand why.

23. When I'm mad with someone, I tend to walk away rather than yelling at them, because I don't like being rude to my friends. So I strongly suggest that you let me leave and then come back in a few days to talk over it when I'm calm, rather than forcing the subject, because you won't like me when I'm angry.

24. At least one of the sections of Dante's Commedia sits by my bedside at all times. I enjoy reading it, but it's also useful for making deals when friends are trying to sweet-talk / bribe / blackmail etc me into doing something I don't really want to do. "Tell you what - you don't try and make me _____, I won't try and make you read Dante." Thumbs up for things that fulfil more than one purpose. :D

25. I believe in cause-and-effect, although I don't think that the effect necessarily has to come after the cause. Although chances are you won't understand that, either.