Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Hand Analysis


Gas Station Guy has air hands. Air hands (square palms and long fingers) indicate a person who is inventive, innovative, practical and thoughtful. They are extremely intellectual and can become impatient and frustrated if they do not feel challenged mentally. They are conscientious and pay attention to detail, which sometimes shows up as finickiness. They are both logical and intuitive, and are quick to make decisions which they base on a combination of intuition and logic. Air people enjoy expressing themselves. They are naturally inquisitive and live to learn. They are interested in travel, freedom and knowledge, and love to communicate their knowledge to others, although they can become frustrated when other people do not understand what is being said. Air people are generally happy and are the easiest type to get along with.

I don't get to see his palms much, so I can't really comment much on the development of the four quadrants, although I can say from the feel that his Mount of Luna is fairly prominent, indicating creativity and a vivid imagination, as well as a strong empathic bent. His Mount of Venus is likewise well-developed, indicating that he is a sensual, tactile person with strength, stamina, a love of physical activity, and a high sex drive. However, his Mount of Venus is more firm than spongy, so it's likely that, although sensual, he is not a hedonist.

As I do not get to see the palms, I cannot comment on any of his lines.

Although I prefer to use the elemental system of hand classification, D'Arpentigny's system can sometimes be useful, and using this system, Gas Station Guy (GSG) would be described as having philosopher's hands, as his knuckles are prominent (although not particularly knotty). People with prominent knuckles like to analyse things a lot, and enjoy debate and rhetoric thinking (hence the name). This fits well with his low-set thumb, which usually indicates someone who is introspective and a deep thinker. Interestingly, there is a wide angle - nearly ninety degrees - between the tips of the thumb and the index finger when his fingers are spread out, which usually denotes a person who is outgoing and gregarious, and finds it easy to make friends. I can only assume that he is an extrovert on the surface and a deep thinker underneath.

GSG has noticeable gaps between the first and second fingers, as well as between the third and fourth, although not between the second and third. A gap between the first / index (Jupiter) and second / middle (Saturn) finger shows that the person is confident and has good self-esteem. People with this gap often have a strong ideology and will usually stand up for what they believe in. A gap between the third / ring (Apollo) and fourth / little (Mercury) fingers shows that the person is independent and likes to make up his own mind about things. However, people with this gap often have trouble expressing negative emotions and sharing their problems, preferring to pretend, at least outwardly, that all is well.

None of his fingers bend towards another finger noticeably, so most likely he is well-rounded and generally happy with his current life, and does not feel like he has had to make any great sacrifices.

There is a very light sprinkling of hair on his hands, indicating masculinity, but not so much that he is likely to be consumed by animal urges. Good thing too. :)

Now doesn't that sound like a guy I could be happy with?

Giving A New Meaning To "Auto-Erotic"

WARNING: This post contains sexual references.

People ask me often if I have a particular thing that turns me on, or a particular place that makes me think of an erotic experience that I've had. And I always tell them, no. Which is a lie, but I don't like admitting the truth - that the one place in the world that I always associate with sex is not a romantic place at all, it's actually a gas station.

Yes, you read that right. A gas station. Or petrol station, for you Brits.

For several years now, I've been having a recurring dream about the Total station on the corner of Beech Road and Valley Road. I hesitate to call it a recurring dream, really, because it always changes somewhat. But there are some elements of it that remain the same.

For the sake of the Neo-Freudian analysis that so many of you seem to be into, I'll tell you a little bit about it. In the dream, it's cold outside. I'm tired, and I need a place to rest. So I come to the Beech-Valley intersection, and just seeing the gas station makes me feel warmer and less tired, like I'm already inside. I go into the store part to ask the guy behind the counter if I can use the public bathroom, and he tells me that they've added a rest stop to the back, and he gives me a keycard to access it. I go round the side of the building, to the back, and where there used to be a fence (and still is, in real life), it's been turned into a picnic area with benches where you can eat, and vending machines, and the little huts that in reality you can just see on the other side of the fence have become a kitchenette, bathroom and shower area. I let myself into the huts with the keycard, and I step into one of the shower stalls, and take off my clothes and turn the shower on. The water streams down my body, and I'm revelling in the warmth - it's cold and I'm tired, remember - and I'm soaping up my body and hair with a little travel-size bottle of shampoo that I got from the vending machine outside, and my eyes are closed, and the next thing I know I'm feeling a pair of strong, firm arms around my shoulders, and a pair of lips are kissing and sucking at my neck.

I should be surprised, but I'm not. It's almost like I subconsciously knew this would happen when I came here; like I didn't realise, but this is the reason I came here in the first place. So instead of being shocked and horrified that some strange guy has walked in on me when I was showering, I just feel warm and comfortable and safe.

Have you ever seen the music video for Calleon's "So I Begin"? The way that video makes me feel is the way I feel when this guy is showering with me. It's the way I feel when I'm in a modern apartment, with everything clean and sterile, decorated in soft, restful neutral colours, and I look out the window at the rain and know that I'm safe inside, away from the wet and cold. It's the way I sometimes feel when I play The Urbz. It's the way the underground tunnels in some northern cities make me feel. It's the way I would feel if I had a garage that I could access from my house, without going outside, and I could drive to the gym and park in the underground garage, and then drive to somewhere where I could get food and park underground there, too, and make the whole trip without having to face the outside once. It's the knowledge that the outside is there, and people are there, and I can interact with them if I choose, but I don't have to. I'm secluded, warm and comfortable and cozy and protected. In the world, but not of the world.

This man, and the shower and the warmth and the knowledge that there's plenty of food in the garage, all combine to make me feel wonderfully secure. I feel like we're in our own little bubble, where nothing painful can touch us. And he kisses me, and presses me up against the wall, and is loving me so completely and so beautifully that I don't care that I never get to see his face.

At least not while I'm dreaming. When I wake up, I care plenty. I really wish I could see who this person is, so I could find out a) if he's a real person, or at least a person I know, and b) if he IS a real person, if he makes me feel as protected and secure in real life as he does in the dream. But without seeing his face, it's impossible to work out who he is.

What do I know about him? I know he's a white man, with a golden tan. I know he has some hair on his arms, but very little on his chest. I know he has air-shaped hands, with square palms and long fingers with prominent knuckles. I know his arms are strong, and well-muscled without being beefy. I know he's a little taller than me, but not all that much. I know his thighs are strong enough to support me. I know that his abs and pecs are firm and hard. I know that his trapezius and latissimus dorsi feel perfectly formed under my hands. From the way he kisses my neck, I know that he shaves, although he has a little bit of stubble on his chin. I'd guess that his chin and nose are quite pointed, but that's just a guess.

Of course, this could describe a hundred men that I know, and countless ones that I don't.

Sometimes music plays. The music differs from dream to dream, although there are some songs that repeat quite often - usually ones where the backing music has a haunting quality. Gwen Stefani's "Cool" is one of them, as is her "4 In the Morning". Bobby Valentino's "Tell Me" repeats quite frequently. Stevie Nicks' "Crystal" is often our soundtrack. Abs' "7 Ways" has been the background music probably more times than any other song, at least as far as I can remember, and if I ever meet a guy who remembers that song I'll definitely give him a second look for this reason alone.

Sometimes there are several showers, and each of them has people in it, people who are doing much the same thing that we're doing. These particular dreams freak me out a little, principally because in the dream I'm NOT freaked out. Sometimes I go into the store area of the garage and there are people from high school in there, and I chat to them. Sometimes there's a hidden camera, taking pictures of us while we caress each other, the water flowing over our naked bodies.

I don't know how the dream ends, because I usually wake up. I can't say I'm happy to wake, because everything in the dream feels so wonderful. For days after having this dream, I feel slightly on edge, like I'm expecting something major to happen to me. I exist in a state of high anticipation. And nothing ever happens, and eventually I just go back to my life, until the next time. Recently, though, I've noticed that when I take a walk, which I've been doing a lot in the last few weeks, I plan my walks to take me past the garage. I didn't even realize I was doing it until a couple of days ago. And when I get there, I rest for a few minutes, and I watch the entrance, like I'm expecting to see someone I recognize.

And now and then, I go in and ask the guy behind the counter if I can use the bathroom. Even though I know they don't have one.

Y'know. Just in case.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Hormones, Egh

The last few months have been something of a nightmare for me, and I've mostly held it together, creating a cheerful shell around my worries in order to survive with my sanity intact. Now the cracks in that shell are starting to appear. This, coupled with the fact that I'm fairly sure my implant's malfunctioning, has turned me into a needy, whiny, moody bitch, and I'm sorry to say that the people I love most are the ones who are getting the brunt of it. The other day I picked a fight with Oli, my closest friend, probably the person I love most in the world after my Mom, over - guess what? The fact that HE HAD TO GO HOME. That, plus a few other things, the most illogical and self-pitying being that I thought he wasn't attracted to me anymore. We had a lovely visit the other day, and I was happier than I'd been in months. So after a really nice day, we're standing there on the street corner, and I have my arms crossed in front of me and my hands hugging my arms, classic stay-away posture, and I'm refusing to look at him, and these words are coming out of my mouth - words that I know are bad, I know are wrong, I KNOW I shouldn't be saying and don't even WANT to say, but somehow I can't control myself, and I say, "I don't think we should see each other anymore."

Why? It's not even clear to me, to be honest. Something along the lines of, I don't see you as much as I want to, and every time you leave I feel lonely and in pain, even though I know you'll call me on the phone later, so I need to you stop calling me and stop visiting so I don't have to deal with the pain of not seeing you. Which is pretty irrational, really. Also, the idea that he didn't fancy me anymore...well, I can understand that one a little better. I don't feel fanciable right now. My stomach is sticking out where it used to be pretty flat, and my breasts are larger than they were last year, and I've grown from just under 5'6" to 5'8" in the last two years, and my hips are more flared, and my arms have more fat on them. My hair is chin-length, and half of it is brown now, because I'm not lightening my roots anymore, so the roots look fairly trailer-parkish. I have gray at my temples. The skin on my face looks dull, because I'm not getting enough nutrients in my diet, and my legs are still scarred and bitten all over by creatures unknown, because my doctor can't seem to fit me into the skin clinic at the surgery. (I'm going to have to go private, but I can't afford it.) Even my eyes and my smile, usually my best features, look tired, which is no coincidence.

In short, I don't feel sexy. I don't even feel pretty. And I don't really understand why anyone would be attracted to me right now. I was never a supermodel before, but at least I had...something. A certain sparkle that drew people to me. Most of the time right now, I don't feel that sparkle, or see it in the mirror, although apparently other people can still see it. So I can sort of understand why I was feeling unattractive and needing reassurance, although that gives me no excuse for picking on him about it.

But the other stuff? Totally ridiculous. It was illogical, irrational, unfair and unnecessary.

Chris - Chris my therapist, not Lauren's Chris - calls this transference. He says it happens often: you have something in your life that's troubling you, and for one reason or another, you can't really do anything about it. So you push it aside, and you (consciously or unconsciously) focus that worry on something else, something that you CAN do something about. You're not actually worried about the thing that you whine and cry about, but it's a visible focus for your emotion. Apparently this is what girls - and boys - with eating disorders do. They feel that their lives are out of control, but they can't do anything about whatever's bothering them, so they shift the anxiety onto their weight, which they can control. Of course, they can't even control it as much as they want to, so they become more and more desperate to stay thin.

According to Chris, I've had a tough year. I suppose this is true, but it's not something that I often admit to. When people ask me how I am, I say fine. Even when someone really looks at me and says, "Boy, you've had a rough year, you must be exhausted," I usually respond with, "I've had worse years." Which is true, but irrelevant. Basically, I don't admit that I'm struggling. But it's true. It's been very stressful. Glandular fever, Jackie nearly dying, my Dad's stroke, my Mom's reliance on me, no Curt to lean on, no energy to see friends, using up all of my savings on travelling to see my Dad, being ill and nobody knowing what's wrong, not being able to go back to work, too much work at home for too little pay, feeling unattractive, my suspected heart condition, and the guilt of not being able to be there for both my parents at once: that constant, stomach-eating guilt...yeah, it's been a hard year. Not hard enough to cause PTSD, like 2005 was, but enough to make me stressed out and more tired than usual. Couple that with a hormone imbalance that gives me PMS-like symptoms all the time, and no wonder I'm overreacting to everything under the sun.

Chris says not to feel too rotten about acting like a brat, but I still do. I really need to apologize for that again.

The plus side, of course, is that now I know he loves me. He must love me at least a little, because he tolerates me even when I'm at my most intolerable, and always tries to soothe my fears and make me feel better. I'm not talking romantic, forever love, but any love is wonderful to have right now.

A lot of these worries, I really can't do anything about. I can't make my parents better, and I can't see my Dad as often as I want to without taking out another bank loan. I can't do anything to make Curt want me in his life again. I can't really do anything about my health, either - doctors are looking into that, and either they'll find something they can fix, or they won't. But Jackie's better now, so that's a load off my mind. The feeling unattractive will mostly go when I've lost some weight, so I'm trying to either go to the gym or take an hour's walk every day. Work and money will sort themselves out, and for now I'm staying afloat - mostly - and by next August I'll have paid off my bank loan, so that'll help a lot. And probably at least some of the health problems will improve a little if I start eating properly. For months now I've been balancing on a thin wall between lack of appetite and anorexia, and only willpower has kept me from falling down on the wrong side, but if I start forcing myself to eat healthily and regularly, then that should have some benefits, at least for my mood and my energy levels. As for the hormone imbalance, I need to get re-referred to the gynaecologist. I don't know why he took me off his books - with my type of implant, I'm supposed to get it checked every year, and I haven't had it checked since October of 2006 - but I need to have him check it now. I'll have to make an appointment with my GP in order to get the referral, and I need to talk to him about a couple of other things - I've found out recently that with one of my painkillers, they've been fobbing me off with a dosage that's nine times lower than the usual minimum - so I need to try and make an appointment soon. Appointments with my GP are like gold dust, so if I make one now I'll hopefully get to see him before college starts.

I DID get onto the college course, and classes start the second week of October. I need to email the uni, though, to tell them I got the message - for some reason they called and left a message with my Mom, instead of sending me a confirmation letter - and find out if I need any textbooks or other equipment. So, come October, this girl will finally be a university student. Better late than never, I guess. And sure, it isn't a degree course or anything, but again, better than nothing. And I'm really looking forward to it - both the fact that I'm a student again, and the classes themselves.

It's getting late and I need to go to bed, so I guess I'll leave you there, with a hearty apology for any bratty behavior that I may have exhibited towards any of you recently. Take care of yourselves, and enjoy the crispness in the air and the falling leaves! Best season of the year!

Friday, 4 September 2009

Apollo In My Dreams

Sometimes when I think of the SBD, I call him Apollo. I call him this because only twice in my life have I met people so shiny and golden that it actually hurts to look at them sometimes, and he's one of them. Part of me wishes I could get him out of my head, because it's quite distracting when you're at work or in the middle of the supermarket - or, like yesterday, having your blood taken at the pathology lab - and you start grinning like a maniac because suddenly all you can think of is how, if the two of you had babies, they'd look like Barbie and Ken. It's also hard to sleep when all you can see when you close your eyes is the same person, over and over.

And yet I can't mind, not really, because when I see him in my dreams I'm not afraid to sleep. I still keep the light on, but even that may change soon. (Note, I said MAY.) I talk to him in my sleep and I wake feeling refreshed, which is something I haven't felt in years. And when I see him when I'm awake, even the worst day is suddenly brighter.

I remember this one paragraph, from one of Frank Downey's "Naked in School" stories that I read a year ago, and it went something like,

"But how do you know if you love someone?"
"When I've had a good day, he comes along and makes it a great day. When I've had a so-so day, he makes it a good day. And if I've had the worst day in a month? He makes it bearable."

It wasn't EXACTLY those words, and I can't check out the direct quote - or whose story it was, although I have a feeling it might have been Missy and David - but I remember thinking it was the best description of love I'd seen, and when I see or talk with Apollo I feel this even more.

I'm not in love. Loving someone and being in love are not the same thing. And you can't be in love with someone you don't really know all that well, anyway. But I do love him, against all rationality. Whether he loves me or not...time will tell. I certainly know that I intrigue him, and he thinks about me sometimes, just out of the blue. So I suppose that's a good start.

Things are...well, so-so. I shouldn't have bitched about Mom so much the other day, but I suppose what's done is done. I cancelled the insurance, so my hope of learning to drive this autumn has gone down the drain, not that I could really afford it anyway. Maybe I can pick up a cheap car to learn on at some point, but for now I'm doomed to take the bus. At least the buses to and from DeHavilland seem to run fairly regularly, until ten at night, and then every hour until midnight. Perhaps come winter I won't be so cheerful about long bus journeys late at night, but for now I'm not too unhappy. Although I sure wish it wouldn't rain so much. I've been soaked so much this week I'm actually surprised I'm not starting to smell of mildew.

If I lived in Montreal, in a nice apartment, I wouldn't have to go outside in the winter AT ALL if I didn't want to, because they have a system of underground tunnels that can be accessed by most of the major buildings. Or if I lived in Minneapolis, they have a skyway system in the downtown area that serves more or less the same purpose, although some of the skywalks can only be accessed at certain times of day. Or even if I lived and worked in Canary Wharf. That would work, except that the apartments there cost a fortune. Part of me can't believe that I'm even considering using ways of avoiding rain as a factor in my choice of where to live, but meh. I hate rain. I know it's necessary, I know it's good for the crops, I know we couldn't live without it, I know there are countries in Africa and Asia that would give anything for rain...I KNOW all this. I'm not saying it's not necessary, I'm just saying, I don't like it. My body hurts when it's damp outside. Often, on rainy days, it's all I can do to get out of bed. And since I work from home a lot of the time, I'm happy to stay in when it's raining...aside from the twin problems of grocery shopping and the gym. If I lived in a city where I could get to the gym and the supermarket without getting wet...yeah, that would be heavenly. Even if I had an apartment in St. Albans, I wouldn't have to get wet when I went to the gym, as long as my apartment had underground parking, because my gym is directly accessible from Christopher Place car park. But if we had tunnels, that would be even better. A lot of people find tunnel systems to be creepy, even when they're well-lit, well-maintained ones like in Montreal, with shops and dry-cleaners and cafes. But I love the idea. If I could live somewhere where I could do whatever I needed without ever going outside...well, I could happily go without even seeing the light of day from November through March.

For now, though, I'm getting soaked to the skin most days, because from the first of September until college starts, I'm not eating ANY junk, and I'm going to the gym every day, unless I have a hospital appointment. I'm hoping that if I do both those things, I'll shed some of the extra weight by the time college starts.

It's only the fourth or fifth, and already I'm thinking about pizza. But I suppose it's OK to think about it, as long as I don't eat it. I politely refused the donut I was offered yesterday after my blood tests, though, so I guess that's a point in my favor.

Of course, this is all assuming that I've actually been accepted to college. Eleven days and they still haven't sent me a letter saying that my application's been accepted, and there doesn't appear to be anywhere on their website to check if it's been processed or not. And I was going to call them before I went out today, but Chris gave me a lift into town, and I forgot. So now I can't call until Monday. Meh. I want to know if I'm on the course, so I can book any fun courses I want to take around it. And I want to buy clothes, and school supplies. September is always my favourite month, and buying pencils and pens and ringbinders and paper and textbooks, and then boots and knit dresses and sweaters and jackets, is my favourite pastime. I'm frugal throughout the rest of the year, aside from Christmas and birthdays, but I spend a lot of money on clothes in autumn. I got a raspberry-colored cardigan and a black knee-length skirt from H & M, and some brown court shoes with low heels from New Look (to go with all my brown clothes; I always think a brown outfit and black shoes looks ridiculous), and if they get comfortable in the next few days I may get another pair in black, since I need black shoes too. And I got a black Victorian cardigan and an identical one in duck-egg blue, with puffed sleeves and lace at the top, from Sainsburys for £3.60 each - how cool is that? And this wonderful suit jacket from Marks & Spencers, which I'd been eyeing up all summer but knew that I couldn't afford, and then I found it on sale for £25 - less than half price.

I felt somewhat guilty about spending that much money on something, but hell, I need a suit, and it's always impossible for me to find one because I'm allergic to the linings that the shops use. I was thinking that I'd have to get one made up by a tailor, with a cotton lining, and that would cost a fortune. But then I found this one, in linen but with a elastane-blend that means it doesn't crease, and it doesn't HAVE a lining, so I'm happy. And I can wear it with just about any skirt and it'll look fine. Hell, I can even wear it with jeans if I don't have to dress up. Jeans and a nice jacket are great for work.

Speaking of which, I need new jeans, the zipper has gone on the ones I have, and I'm sort of bulging out of them. But I'm not sure if I should get new jeans NOW, or wait until I'm a bit thinner. And I want this wine-red soft sweater that I saw in H & M, with half-sleeves and a really deep cowl-neck, that would go perfectly with my black skirt and my red shoes. And I also need a few skirts - I only have like three for the whole of the winter. Of course, I don't have the money for most of these things, since I spent all my last paycheck on tuition, and next Tuesday's mostly goes to the bank plus a train ticket to see my Dad. But maybe I can squeeze enough out of it for shoes, or the sweater, or something. If not, I'll have to take some extra work - I'm doing paperwork at home for the center, but Kell has been bugging me to be a model for him again, and I know he'll pay me quite well. *sigh* I don't know why I didn't agree to work for him a few months ago, then I could have gotten myself driving this autumn. I just don't feel comfortable modelling at the moment. I'm not comfortable with my body, because I've put on SO much weight since just after Christmas, when I got sick, and a lot of it's gone round my stomach and arms. I don't look nice, and I don't feel sexy, and you can't really model when you don't feel or look good, even if the photographer is telling you that you do. You have to be comfortable in yourself - at least *I* do - and I just don't, at the moment.

We'll see. I may have to do it anyway, since I'm having trouble paying my bills and buying all the stuff I need. I only managed to buy the clothes because I found sales, and I haven't gone out in months, and I've been scrimping on foods.

Meh. I'll work it out somehow. But dammit, University of Herts, send me my confirmation letter so I can go and buy textbooks!