Tuesday, 2 March 2010


Sometimes you see a person, or a thing, and you know you know it / them, but you can't figure out WHY. I reckon this is at least partially because you're not seeing them in the context you're used to. It's like on Sex and the City, when Carrie was dating that Russian guy (Alexander? Was that his name?) and I went, "Hmm, I've seen him in something before, but I can't figure out what". And it wasn't until I'd watched three or four episodes with him in that I jumped up and went, "Holy smokes! That's Baryshnikov." Because I'd never seen him act, didn't even know he was an actor - I'd only ever seen him dance before, so it didn't enter my mind that it could be him.

Last semester in Japanese class, we were doing an exercise that involved a company called ABC Foods, and when I heard the name I cracked up laughing. Everyone wanted to know why I laughed, and I couldn't tell them, because I didn't really know - all I knew is that I'd heard the term "ABC foods" before, and the context in which I heard it was funny, but I couldn't quite place the actual event in my head. I just knew it wasn't anything to do with Japanese class, or a company with that name. And then a couple weeks ago one of my kids brought HER kids into the center, and I made them PBJs while their mom went to chat with a friend, and when they were eating and making faces at each other, it came back to me. Of course. ABC food. Already Been Chewed. *rolls eyes*

There are a couple people in my life right now - and I use "in my life" in the loosest possible terms; one of them is very much in my life and another is just on the fringes, while a couple more are somewhere in the middle - who bother me. It's nothing that they do, just a nagging feeling that I know them, and a rush of emotion when I see them or talk to them. It's very bizarre, because although I often get a feeling that I know a person, rarely has it been strong in the past, whereas any recent events have been very strong indeed. One of them is a close friend, and we've come to the mutual conclusion that our emotional connection is down to spiritual destiny. Hell, if the reasoning works for him, I'm not gonna argue, and he could well be right. But another one...well, I don't know him well enough to talk to him about destiny or emotions, and he told me on the first day (after I asked) that he didn't think we'd met before.

And yet I know him. I just can't figure out HOW I know him, because the context is all wrong. *sigh*

I can only hope that at some point in the future, I either forget about him, or something happens and I get a flash of memory that says I've seen this event before, and then I can finally think, "Of course, this is how I know you. From this moment."

...And that's all you're getting from me today. Do forgive the slightly-fevered quality of this note; I've been stuck in bed for a week with a horrendous cold (and possible strep throat) and today was the first day I actually felt vaguely human, but evidently my brain still isn't back to normal. (If you need any more evidence, I just mis-spelled "you're", and put "your" instead, and I haven't done that since I was toddling around in diapers.)

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