Wednesday, 7 April 2010


WARNING: This post contains sexual references.

Strange week I'm having.

Firstly, I seem to be attracted to females a lot atm. I'm seriously thinking of changing my profile to reflect this, and actually looking for a girl to play with. Problem is, I don't much like English girls. Mostly I'm attracted to American girls, and a couple of Canadians, and I'm not really interested in internet play - if I'm gonna experiment with a girl, it's gonna be in person.

I also appear to be attracted to Cadbury's Creme Eggs. I have this recurring dream, and I can't exactly explain what happens, because NOTHING truly happens. It's all very confused. All I know is that I'm dreaming about women who appear to have Creme Eggs where their girlie bits ( LOL ) should be. And I'm licking and sucking the fondant out of the middle, mostly with my tongue but occasionally dipping my fingers in, and I can't get enough of it. Sometimes I race through my dreams landscapes, gathering as many candies / girls as I can, running my hands over their bodies and through their hair, kissing one moment and biting the next, sucking up everything that is sweet and good in life.

Every time I have this dream I wake in the throes of orgasm, having somehow made myself come with no (waking) physical stimuli whatsoever. Interestingly, when I wake up it's not either chocolate or pussy that I'm craving, it's man - a hard, hot, ready male, pushing inside me.

I blame this on lack of sleep, but there's definitely something in the air right now. I'd say it was spring, but spring rarely affects me this way.

Actually, I can't remember anything that's affected me quite this way. For the last couple days I've been too aroused to get anything done. I've given up on socialising, and am generally giving off vibes that say "If you're not here to fuck me, come back in a couple days."

Aside from fucking, all I want to do is eat and sleep. I think it's hormonal. Since I got my implant, I don't get periods often or properly, so it's hard to judge when they'll come, but I taste different right now, so with the combination of that and the need for sleep and food I'd guess that I'm PMSing. So I'm letting myself sleep.

I lay outside in a bikini today, which was chilly, but I'm living in hope that the sun will make a good showing soon. Last year the warmest days were in April.

That's really all I have to share today. If you're in the London / Herts area and would like to be in the bed of a chubby, sunny brunette in the next few days, drop me a line.

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