Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Exhaustion - And Not The Nice Sweaty Sexually Sated Kind

WTF, A.F.F. keeps screwing with my blog settings. One day I'm watching a blog, then it's deleted, then I'm watching again. A little while ago, my whole watch list was deleted. Luckily I could recreate most of it from the pimping post I made last week, although not the blogs I've added since. Anyone else experiencing this glitch?

I called the uni today, and classes start the week of the 12th. The woman I spoke to said there are still places on my course, so get my form in before Thursday. I've filled it in and will mail it tomorrow.

See, I can be pro-active. Sometimes.

I still haven't organised my underwear cabinet, though. Or, god forbid, cleaned out my closet. It makes me exhausted just thinking about it.

To be honest, I don't even really have the energy to blog. I've been doing this thing on facebook, called a 30-Day Meme, where you have a different question to write a post on every day for a month. I'm mainly doing it because my friend asked me to, and I've managed for four days, but tomorrow's post (today's, really, or at least when I wake up it will be) is about my definition of love. I reeeeally don't like that topic, and don't know how well I can write on it. What the hell do I know about love?

I'm not sure why I couldn't sleep tonight, because I came upstairs all mellow and sleepy, thinking I'd put my head on my pillow and not know anything until aches and pains woke me in the morning. But no, I've been awake the whole time, and now it's nearly six and I'm just starting to get sleepy - at the same time as I start to get a stomachache. I don't know if it's a hungry stomachache or an over-full stomachache. Hard to know, with me.

I think that once I get my room cleaned and tidied, and get the college stuff sorted out, I may have to just rest and hide away from the world for a couple weeks, try and get some of my energy back. I need to stop worrying about all the things that I haven't done - nobody is going to die if I don't get my bedroom painted, or the shelves fixed, or the closet cleaned out. Nobody is dying, and the rest is just details. I worry about Mom, though, and I feel guilty. She's sicker than I am, in more pain than I am, and she still manages to do what needs to be done. I don't know why I can't seem to get it together. I'm used to pain, I'm used to tiredness, and I usually manage to get my ass in gear when it's needed, so what the hell is different now?

Maybe I need vitamins. I'll try and remember to buy some of those tomorrow. And ACTUALLY TAKE THEM.

Anyway, I suppose it's time for the next load of meds, and then I need to think about sleeping. I'm sorry all these posts have been depressing lately, it's just this terrible fatigue, it's really getting to me and I can't seem to find anything interesting to write about. I'm really enjoying reading new blogs, though, so that's an upside.

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