Sunday, 14 November 2010

Mmm, Manthers

It's official: teenagers are disgusting. I just had to get a mattress out from under Ryan's bed, and I nearly passed out just from breathing the air in there. What's really freaking me out is that Mom's planning to SLEEP on that mattress tonight, since she has a friend staying over. I found her a rubber sheet and a thick duvet cover to wrap around it, so the cat hair (atrocious, although Lori SWEARS she grooms the cat - not once in a year have I seen her do it, though) and dust and all the other crap doesn't get to her.

Really, I'd rather she slept in my bed and I slept on a duvet on the floor, but she won't go for that.

Anyway, that was just a small aside, although it does bring me onto the main subject.

Those of you who know me probably know that I tend to go for younger guys. Not just younger, as in, the younger end of the spectrum, but actually younger than me. Sometimes by a year or two, sometimes by quite a few years. The last big crush I had was nearly six years younger than me. Aside from my first (when I was 13) and one other since then, all the guys I've been really into were younger than me.

HOWEVER, I'm starting to get tired of young guys. I don't know what to do with them. I feel like I need to take care of them. They never have any money. All important points, natch. So I'm starting to wonder if it's time to get me a manther. After nearly a decade of working with teenagers, and a year of living with one, and two years of living with a guy who THINKS he's still one (at 24), I'm beginning to see the attraction of the older male. If I dated an older guy, I could get Christmas presents that I can wear outside the bedroom. I could go on dates to places where you don't have to pay for your food until after you've eaten. I could buy a new outfit and wear it on a date, and when they mention it, not have to justify my purchase with any reason other than "I wanted it".

OK, so I exaggerate a little - the younger guys I've been dating aren't QUITE that bad. But still.

Anyway, something to think about.

And for the record, I would settle for any of the following:

OK, it wasn't entirely fair of me to stick Damian Lewis in there; he's not quite old enough, but he's just so darn smooth. *grins*

What's your take on the cougar / manther thing?

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