Friday, 31 December 2010

Why Didn't He Call? He Promised He'd Call Me!

So Curt has gone AWOL, and it's scaring the crap out of me. I'm mocking myself, with the title, because that's what I do when I'm freaking out about things. I make them sound unimportant, like I'm overreacting, like one of those idiot girls who goes into a major panic when the douchebag she went out with at the weekend didn't call when he said he would. And who the hell knows, maybe I am.

For the last couple weeks Curt and I have been talking a lot. Texting for hours, just friendly banter, you know how it goes. He IS my best friend, after all. We talked every day, and he was supposed to come and spend Christmas Eve with me. On the 22nd his mom had a cold and had to cancel lunch plans with him. On the 23rd it was the flu. On Christmas Eve he texted me in the morning and told me the doctors thought it was swine flu, and he might have to take her to the emergency room if her fever got any higher. He updated me a couple times in the day. At 4.30 he called me and told me they were in the hospital, waiting for results on some sort of test, and when they got through and he knew if she had to stay in or not, he'd call me and see if it was too late to come over. I said, even if it's too late please call me anyway and tell me how she's doing, and he agreed.

He didn't call. Late that night I texted him to ask how she's doing, and he didn't reply. Christmas Day I texted to say Merry Christmas and how's your mom? and he didn't reply. Boxing Day I texted to say, I'm really getting quite worried now, if you can't call it's OK but please send a text and let me know she's alright, and he didn't reply. On the 27th and 28th I left him alone, and yesterday I texted to say Happy birthday, and how's mom doing? and he didn't reply. Today he was supposed to be coming over and I was going to either take him out for dinner for his birthday, or cook for him, and he hasn't called or texted me to say either that he's coming, or that he can't make it.

This is not a man who ignores my messages. When we've been out of touch it might take him a few days to get back to me, but when we're in a phase where we're talking a lot, it takes him a couple hours max. And for him to miss two dates, and not call me when he knows I'm worried about his mom...well, that's scaring the hell out of me right now. In ten years, the ONLY times he's ever avoided responding to my messages are when he's been going through something so bad that he can't bear to talk to anyone, and then he hibernates and cuts out the whole world. And even then, he doesn't always cut me out, he usually calls me in the middle of the night to talk things out.

Which leaves me with:

a) His mom did have swine flu, and she died;

b) His mom DOES have swine flu, and she's sick enough that he hasn't made it into work to check his work text message account, and he's not getting the texts I send to his cell phone because i) he's lost or broken it (which happens surprisingly often to him) or ii) his wife is intercepting them and deleting them before he reads them;

c) He's been in some sort of accident and is either i) dead or ii) comatose;

d) He caught the swine flu from his mom and is either i) dead or ii) too sick to remember to get in touch with me;

or e) He's just a total c***.

I'd like to think that e) isn't a possibility; I've known - and been best friends with - the guy nearly a decade, and I've never known him to do anything like this. But if none of A-D is correct, if he's alive and well and his mom's alive and well, then he IS a c***, becuse he should know from my messages how worried I am.

Nonetheless, I hope that in a couple days I'm flaming his ass for his jackassery, instead of comforting him - or, God forbid, needing comfort myself.

I'll make you all a nice post detailing my Christmas soon...for now, I'm going back to holding off the heart attacks with yet more sugar and Beethoven.

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