Note to self: do not read WhyWomenHateMen while eating. Now I have ice cream in my lungs. Gak.*
I've been dating around on some other sites recently. I've kind of given up finding men here, most of the ones who email me are guys who've mailed me before and I have no interest in, and the few that I would be interested in dating live too far away. But you know, those other sites aren't that easy either. Now, y'all know that I'm not really one to bitch about how men don't listen - because I think women are the masters at that most of the time, and because I think that most people won't listen when all they hear is whinging. Kwitcherbitchin', ladies, and maybe your guys will listen more.
Not that I'm tarring all women with the same brush or anything. *rolls eyes*
But in recent weeks I've found out that it's actually fairly true: a lot of men don't listen. On here, I kind of expect most men who mail me to not have read the profile. It goes along with all the glitches that we know and love about the A-Double-Eff. (That's sarcasm, btw.) Yet on the other sites that I use, there's much the same problem.
Case in point: one of the sites allows you to put a song on your profile. And in the last month, AT LEAST a dozen guys have mailed me to tell me how much they like Nirvana too. Yet not one of those has cottoned onto the fact that the song I have playing is not, in fact, Smells Like Teen Spirit - it's the Weird Al version, Smells Like Nirvana. To me, this is fairly obvious, especially since I don't believe Kurt Cobain ever started a song of his, "What is this song all about / Can't figure any lyrics out..." but apparently what is crystal clear to me is not so evident to a person whose blood is obviously being diverted out of his ears (and other unimportant bits) into his dick.
And again, I would find it obvious that when a girl takes a long time and much thought composing an extensive profile that tells you a great deal about her, in the hopes of finding a match that actually has a chance of being compatible, she would not be particularly responsive to a message that says, "Unlike these other fools, I'm a very busy man, and don't have the time for small talk. Are you interested? Let me know." Particularly when said busy man was too busy to fill out his profile. But perhaps these truths are not self-evident after all.
Yeah, I'm whinging. The new blog is not yet up and running. It's been a hell of a couple weeks.
*That first sentence had nothing to do with the rest of this post, it was just an aside. Unless you consider the fact that WWHM is one of the awesome ones, IMO.
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