Tuesday, 10 July 2012


After nine months of being half-dead, unable to even carry on a basic conversation half the time let alone think about blogging or participating in online discussions the way I used to - this month has, at least in part, brought me back to life. Sort of.

So I'm writing occasional blogs again, as you may have noticed. And I joined Goodreads. Which is something I'd been meaning to do for months if not years.

My profile's a bit bare at the moment, because I'm not entirely sure how I want to use the site yet. Put on all the books I've ever read? All the books I've read in the last few months? My initial urge is to go around scanning all the thousands of books in my home and marking them "read" or "to-read", but that seems like a pretty mad idea, so at this point I'm just scanning in the books I'm reading. The problem with this, of course, is that most Mills & Boons aren't on there - the scanner just doesn't accept the barcodes - and a large chunk of the books I read fall into this category. And another large chunk fall into the arcane, doesn't-have-an-ISBN category. Like, there's a fabulous 1937 book I'm reading called "Leaves From A Surgeon's Case Book" by James Harpole (a pseudonym for James Johnston Abraham) that I'm absolutely loving - but I have no way of putting it on my list, at least not until I can apply for librarian status, and maybe not even then.

Nitpicking aside, though, I'm enjoying the site a lot. I only have two friends on there, though - I am shocked at how few of my many book-loving friends are there! - so I'm looking for more.

Go on, add me. Sati Marie Frost - sati_the_girl@hotmail.com . You know you wanna.


  1. Already did. Now I just need a minion to add in the 500 or so books, link in reviews I've done, and well - all that stuff

  2. LOL. I can't help with the reviews, I'm afraid - I haven't reviewed anything for years. Are you at least using the scanner app to put everything in so you don't have to look up each book separately? I think I might wander round the home - and maybe bookstore - today and scan anything that looks interesting. So much more convenient than keeping a list (which I always lose).

    I'm really surprised I don't know more people on there though - most of my friends love to read, and are always giving recommendations!

  3. Nitpicking is never aside where I come from. If you ask me, you need to make new friends. Your book-reading buddies sound a bit stale to me.

  4. Thank you, sir Gorilla. (I'm assuming you are a sir rather than a lady, but please feel free to correct me.) it's always good to hear new opinions. You may be right, although I think that one should always be in the process of meeting new people and making friends, as a constantly evolving thing. What's that camp song that my mom always used to sing - "one is silver and the other's gold"? I suppose with so many websites out there these days, it shouldn't be a surprise that so few of my friends are gathered in the same places - I think I may be stuck in the nineties and even early '00s, when I could find everyone I knew on either Yahoo Chat, Bolt or MSN. Oh well, there's always reading clubs. And Facebook.

    Thanks for stopping in, and take care. Don't miss the ones around the back of your neck.
