Tuesday, 31 March 2009

25 Things - Part 3

1) I'm in the process of learning Japanese. I can now write anything in hiragana, but for some reason I'm having problems with the katakana. Thank god it's not used all that much. I also now know around 150 words, which isn't too shabby for one month's learning, IMO.

2) I obsess over perfumes, and own about twenty of them. My favourite is Nina Ricci's Les Belles de Ricci - the original one, with the green swirly bottle. I've been wearing it since I was 12 and I'm still not sick of it. I can't find it anywhere to buy at the moment, though. *cries*

3) I like it when guys buy me flowers, but I'd be just as happy if they bought me a cactus. Cacti make me feel at home.

4) My favourite smells, aside from the perfumes that I wear and the flowers that I like, are coffee, sun cream, the ocean, leather and cigars. Orange is my soul-smell, though.

5) It's pretty pointless to ask me any questions that start "Would / could you ever..." because the answer is ALWAYS the same: "If necessary."

6) I find that the best way to not carry around a whole load of guilt on your back is to not do things that you feel are wrong in the first place.

7) I'm a lover AND a fighter. And I don't have a problem with that.

8) I can be extremely pedantic. I'm very aware of this, but I can't always control it, if I get onto a subject that intrigues me. So if you catch me in a pedantic moment, feel free to tell me to shush. I usually won't take offense.

9) Stephen Fry is probably my favourite celebrity, and one of the few Brits whose humour I generally get.

10) I like to think of myself as a cynical optimist.

11) I think the man in Beyonce's "Halo" video is one of the most beautiful people that I've seen in my whole life.

12) I love kitchen equipment the way some women love shoes or handbags.

13) I dream about falling in love, and having a happy life where I'm married with two children, but I'm scared that I'll never have these things because I'm too inherently selfish to ever share my life with someone else.

14) I'm not pretty, but people seem to think that I am. I can only assume that I have some sort of charm about me that is evident when I'm standing in front of you, but that doesn't show up in mirrors or photographs.

15) I'm the only person I know who actually enjoys doing things alone. I have no problem with going to the cinema on my own, or eating alone in a restaurant, but everyone I know seems to think this is weird. Most of the people I know won't even go to the bathroom alone when they're out.

16) I'm kind of a perfectionist. I don't care one bit about perfection - or lack thereof - in other people, but I care about it in the things I do, and if I don't do something as well as I feel I should I get itchy.

17) I often get convinced that people are watching me through the computer. There's one guy, who I really like, and every time I check out his facebook page I feel guilty, like he's going to pop up in front of me and shout "STALKER!" I frequently find myself checking the computer to make sure that a webcam hasn't magically appeared somewhere on it, even though I know perfectly well that I don't have one. But I can't seem to shake off that watched feeling.

18) I'm writing this list in the bath.

19) I generally remember names and forget faces. If you give me a name, I can usually dredge up an astounding amount of facts and / or memories about that person, even if I haven't seen them in a decade or longer. Put them in front of me without telling me their name, and the best I'll be able to do is a vague feeling that we might have met before. I don't know if this is part of my brain damage or just something that came along naturally.

20) My favourite part on a man differs from guy to guy, but I can always rely on that space between the shoulderblades to make me all tingly and happy.

21) I don't have a "type". When it comes to looking at, and being attracted to, the opposite sex, I'm pretty much a gourmand. Yet when it comes to dating, I'm extremely selective, and actually rarely date much at all.

22) I see the world in vibrant colours. Nothing is ever just red or green or blue for me, it's crimson and scarlet and vermilion, viridian and emerald and jade, cerulean and cobalt and ultramarine.

23) I can manipulate people better than anyone I've ever known, with the possible exception of the late L. Ron Hubbard. I simply choose not to do it unless absolutely necessary.

24) I believe fully that "In all but the most extreme circumstances, we are treated the way we allow ourselves to be." - Jerry Springer (How's that for a strange source of wisdom?)

25) Even a decade later, I still love garage music, and I refuse to apologize for it. :)

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