What color is your bedspread?:
White. Everything I own for my bed is white egyptian cotton, I have so much trouble sleeping I do everything I can to make it easier, even if it means spending a fortune on linen. This one has a panel at the top with little pale blue flowers embroidered on it.
Pick up the nearest book to you, turn to page 25 and read the first sentence.
"Meet the Pokemon Pals!" (Hahahaha)
How many candles are in the room you are in?:
There are a bunch in the chest where I keep all that stuff, but I think there's only one out, plus three tealights in their respective holders.
What was your first word when you were a baby?:
Ehehe...I did all the normal stuff - Mama, Dada - but my first proper words were "sanitary lavatory". I kid you not. Apparently I saw it on a commercial on TV.
However, my brother's first proper words were "electric pylon"...so I guess it runs in the family.
How old were you in 1996?:
How old will you be in 2016?:
How long until your birthday?:
What, you want me to go find a calendar? It's 1 in the morning. My birthday's on Feb 3rd, so about 11 months.
How many siblings do you have?:
Five - three half, two step.
Are they older or younger than you?:
Three are older, two younger.
Are your grandparents still alive?:
My dad's mom is, and my stepmother's mom, and I think her dad (although I've never met him).
How many orange objects are there in the room you are in?:
Not many. There's a box of matches. Several books. An Ann Summers carrier bag. A bag of cheetos. A couple of stuffed animals.
Have you ever run a stoplight?:
Do you have any children?:
How was your first kiss?:
Too young, but sweet.
I'm not sure how it was for him. He insists it was great, but considering he's now gay I'm not convinced.
Have you completed high school yet?:
Ehh. I got up to GCSE level. I don't think I'll ever be finished with A-Levels; I always find another one that looks interesting.
Do you have any relatives in the military currently?:
Not that I know of. I don't know a lot of my relatives though.
Who got married at the last wedding you went to?:
My brother, last August. I wish I could remember the wedding better, but all I remember is that it was beautiful - I had a monster of an ear infection that day, and was doped up on painkillers.
What time did you get up today?:
11-ish. Early for me, since I don't usually go to bed until late (I work nights, mostly).
When was the last time you stayed up all night?:
A couple of days ago, but I napped in the morning.
How long have you had a MySpace, Facebook, or whatever you use?:
Since just before Christmas of 2006. I joined about 5 social networking sites on one day, but myspace and facebook are the only ones I kept up with. (Facebook more than myspace, I must say.)
Who was the last person of the opposite sex you hung out with?:
I suppose it depends how you define hung out. I haven't seen anyone for a while, I've been feeling rotten. Probably Siji, but I don't know when it was...February sometime. Oh, I saw my brother and my nephew-in-law Craig the other day.
Person of the same sex?:
Um, Becki I think. Or mom, LOL.
What color are your eyes?:
Do you like them?:
Sure, they're eyes. What's to like or not like? They look OK. They don't work all that well, but that's not their fault - it's the brain that's messed up. :)
Have you ever had braces?:
Never. I always wanted them when I was a kid, I thought they looked so cool.
Turn on your MP3, CD player, radio, etc.
What song is playing?:
Darren Hayes - I Miss You.
What was the last thing you drank?:
Are you better at math or art?:
Eh. Matter of opinion.
Science or History?:
Who was your 4th grade teacher?:
4th grade...Mrs Finnegan. I think. We had a different system at that school. I transferred out in the middle of J3, which equalled 5th grade, so yeah, 4th was Mrs Finnegan. That was a cool year, we had Spanish exchange students and learned about the Egyptians. It was the last year before serious work started. (5th grade - J3 - we stopped doing fun kiddie projects and started French, Latin, Calculus, Poetry and Religion. I did that for half a year, then the school closed down and I transferred to a State school, where we went straight back to making pictures out of tissue paper and learning how to make fruit salad. It was like another year and a half of fun, Heh.)
Who was your best friend in 7th grade?:
I'm not sure. It was a new school (again), and took a while to get acclimatized. I didn't really have a best friend throughout high school - well, Ellie was, but we didn't actually hang out much while at school, only outside. At school I mostly just drifted from clique to clique, never committing myself to anyone.
Where did you go to pre-school, if you went at all?:
In England, I went to the Fleetville Community Playgroup on Mondays, the Jubilee Centre on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and St. Paul's on Wednesdays. (Mom thought it was better for me to be well-rounded. On Fridays I spent the day with Mom and we baked.) Then in Spain, I went to Escenari Petits, then Mateo Fontiroig.
Who was the last person to call you?:
Mom, but I didn't hear the phone ring because it was on silent and I was asleep. I'm not sure who I talked to last...Oli, probably.
Did you smile in your driver's license picture?:
We're not allowed to smile for official pictures over here. Dumb dumb dumb,
Do you have a job?:
I suppose. I keep saying I need to get a "real" job, but in this economic climate I'm lucky to have one at all, and it pays the bills. Doesn't leave me much else beside, for things like tanning bed sessions and holidays and manicures, but it pays my car payment and bank loan and rent and phone and internet and medical bills and food and gym membership, with enough left to buy a couple of books.
What is your favorite smell?:
Not sure. I like a lot of smells. At the moment I love the coffee I bought the other day. It's Kenyan and exactly how coffee should be.
What's your favorite brand of gum?:
Airwaves, even though they practically take my head off when I first chew them.
Have you ever dated someone and then dated their sibling?:
Who was your crush in 5th grade?:
Jean-Claude Van Damme. LOL. My first crush.
Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?:
Casey was my kiddy boyfriend when I was 9. First kiss too. (Yeah, the one who went gay.) I guess Julian was the first boyfriend I considered "real" - even though I know now that there was nothing real about it. Richard was the first person I had anything remotely approaching a grown-up relationship with.
What color is the shirt you are wearing?:
I'm not wearing a shirt.
What do you think of the 1980's?:
It was a cool decade, at least for teenagers. 80s movies rock.
Have you ever dated someone more than 2 years older than you?:
Hell, I've dated guys 10 years older than me. I prefer guys my own age though.
How about 2 years younger?:
Yes, actually. Jamie was. I felt a bit like a cradle robber - why is that?
What brand of shampoo do you use?:
I change it a lot - if I use the same one for too long my hair goes gunky, even the ones that guarantee no build-up. (Although to be fair, most people don't wash their hair twice a day, or even everyday.) I switch between Timotei with chamomile and amber, Sunsilk Pure Blonde and that Aussie stuff that smells so good. I also have a John Frieda violet shampoo to keep the brassy tones out of my hair...costs a fortune, but it really helps, even with all the red tones I have.
How long is your hair?:
A really annoying length, sort of just above my shoulders. It's not short enough to be chic, nor long enough to be floaty and feminine. I don't know if I should keep growing it or chop it all off again.
If you could change one thing about yourself physically, what would it be?:
*shrugs* Lose weight I guess. Although just generally being healthy...if I could have a choice of being either healthy or thin, what would I choose? I know what the right answer should be, but I don't actually know what I'd pick. That's really bad. *makes a face*
Is there a box of tissues in the room you are in right now?:
No, and I needed some earlier, and then I forgot to get some from downstairs. I'm getting a lot of nosebleeds atm, I don't know why.
What time is it?:
3.07 am, I have to go to sleep. I'll finish this tomorrow.
Is there anything living (plant, animal, etc) in your room right now?:
Not sure. I don't think so, although there could be bugs. Oh, and there's me. :)
What color are the walls in your kitchen?:
Minty green. I think it was called Pure Jade.
Do you have any major plans for today?:
No...I have to stay in for the guy who's coming to read the gas meter. *sigh* If he comes early, I'll do some shopping and go to the gym, but chances are he won't. All they could tell us was "somewhere between 8 and 8.". Very helpful. *rolls eyes*
What kind of deodorant do you use?:
I chop and change a lot; my nose gets too used to them after I use them for more than a couple of months, and then I can't tell what's hot deodorant and what's body odour - both smell equally gross. I have a really sensitive nose, and if I smell even a teeny little bit sweaty I feel horrible, so I switch my deodorant often to keep me smelling fresh, LOL.
What color is your toothbrush?:
Pink and white.
Do you own a digital camera?:
I have a little one, but I want to buy a big fancy one with changeable lenses. Cost a fortune though, so it'll have to be on the HP - either when I get a better job, or when I pay off my bank loan. (August next year. *sigh*)
How old is the cell phone you have right now?:
Nearly three years. I need a new one; this one has scratches all over it so the camera pics come out funny.
What are your initials, using the last letter of each of your names?:
Do you know anyone named Tyler?:
I don't think I ever have. There's a guy called Tyler in the book I'm reading though.
How about Reese?:
No. Only Reese Witherspoon. And a couple of book characters.
My nan used to call me Diana. She thought I was Princess Di when she got Alzheimers. There have been a couple in books I've read, but none that I knew personally. I like the name though.
Never known a Shelby, except in books. (I read a lot of books.)
Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with "C"?:
Cameron, Curt, Carl, Craig, Casey, Charlie, Courtenay, a couple of Chrises...blimey, half the guys I've kissed have C names. I don't know why that is.
How about "L"?:
I'm not sure. I can't think of one offhand.
Ellie, LOL.
Are both your parents still living?:
Yep. All parents, stepparents and ex-stepparents, present and accounted for.
By the way, just to amuse you, my list of parents and stepparents includes:
- Mom
- Papa (my biological dad)
- Jackie (Papa's partner)
- Alison (Papa's ex-wife; my sisters' mother)
- Daddy Mike (my mom's husband; they've been separated since before I was born but are still technically married - he's my brothers' dad)
- Margaret (Mike's partner)
- Brian (Mom's friend; they used to date and were thinking of marrying at one point, they don't date anymore but he's still a parental figure).
Seven parents. *shrugs*
What was the last thing you cooked?:
I'm not sure. I usually cook two or three times a week, but I didn't do much this week, not feeling well enough to care about food. I think it was stir-fried pork with rice, sugarsnap peas, carrots and sweet potato. Yeah, that was it, about five days ago.
How many times have you moved in your life?:
I'm not sure. I'll try and count.
- Marlborough Rd to Sandridge Rd
- Sandridge Rd to Bernard St
- Bernard St to Papa's house (Spain)
- Papa's house (Pou Nou) to John's house (Llumesanas)
- John's house to Nicholas Close (England)
England again:
- Nicholas Close to Francis Ave
- Francis Ave back to Nicholas Close
- Nicholas Close to Acuarius (Spain)
Spain again:
- Acuarius to Azul
- Azul to Ian's house (Sol del Este)
- Ian's house to Papa's house (England)
England again:
- Papa's house (Denewood Rd) to Tony's house (London Rd)
- Tony's house to Nicholas Close
I have moved 13 times in 25 years. That averages more than once every two years. Ouch. The plus side is that we've owned this house (Nicholas Close) since I was about 5, so although we move away and rent it out sometimes for whatever reason, we always come back to it, which is comforting since I hate change.
Do you live within 20 miles of your birthplace?:
I'm not sure actually. I think it's probably a little more than 20 miles, but not much more. I was born in Hammersmith.
Can you do a handstand?:
Sure, if I want to get slapped in the face by a pair of boobs.
Is it after 11 AM?:
Well, it's after 11am yesterday...
What day is it?:
Thursday - or it will be when I wake up. Technically it's already Thursday, but I don't consider it a new day until I've been asleep and woken up. Except on those nights when I don't sleep.
Yay, Grey's Anatomy is on tonight. :)
What's the longest time you've ever spent on the phone?:
Six or seven hours with Oli, in the middle of the night. It's weird, because I don't normally talk on the phone a lot at all, but we went through a phase of a month or two when we would talk all night, several times a week.
How many pairs of brown shoes do you own?:
One. I bought brown loafers with my birthday money, only to find that most of the time my feet are swollen and I can't wear them, Which pisses me off, since they're hand-made Italian leather, and they would have been reeeeeally expensive if I hadn't bought them at TKMAXX.
Are you on any prescribed medications?:
Too many.
What was the date 2 weeks ago from today?:
Don't have a clue, and I'm too lazy to look it up for you.
If you aren't already married, do you expect to be married within 5 years?:
Oh, I don't know. I always thought I would be, but it's really rare for me to find someone I could spend my life with. I've only ever found three people I considered making a lifetime commitment to. And obviously none of them worked out, for one reason or another, because I'm not in a committed relationship right now.
Sometimes I think that I'll end up marrying for convenience and security. There are several guys who would marry me in an instant if I accepted, and of them, I could probably live a happy life with Cam. We're good friends, and we're compatible in bed, and we're very similar in things like neatness and opinions on child-raising. We could make a good life together, despite the fact that he doesn't make my stomach go all wobbly. But I don't know...marriage is forever, or at least I want mine to be. And I don't think you should do something like that if you're not really sure.
That said, three separate psychics told me I'd marry two or three times, so...
How many funerals have you been to in your lifetime?:
Have you ever been far away from home on your birthday?:
Home is where my Mom is, and for my 18th she was late coming back from Spain. I was at Tony's house, so technically "home", at least at that time - but it didn't really feel like home. It was a pretty sucky birthday: Mom had gotten so sick on the boat that she didn't come over until really late, and Tony and his girlfriend at the time weren't getting along terribly well, and they actually asked me if I could stay out of the house that day so they could have some alone-time, until they realised it was my birthday. So THEY went out instead (although to be fair they asked if I wanted to come, but I was waiting in for Mom, thinking she was going to arrive earlier), and I didn't have any money and there wasn't any food in the house and it was freezing so I spent my 18th birthday in pajamas and a robe (the warmest things I owned), eating stale cereal with apple juice because we didn't have any milk.
That was a rotten birthday. The worst I've ever had, and that includes last year when I got appendicitis. It's a shame it had to be my 18th.
Have you ever had a pet fish?:
I had a goldfish who I named "James Pond, Bubble-0-7" - and then they made a computer game not long after with a character of the same name! I felt so ripped off, LOL. He was a cool fishie though, and he lived for 4 1/2 years. I think that's gotta be a record for a goldfish.
Do you have any tattoos?:
Nope. I keep planning to get one done, but every time I get up my nerve, there's more urgent things to spend the money on.
Would you ever or do you have a nose piercing?:
I'm not sure. Probably not. Doesn't seem very clean. Although they look great on some people, if you get a little tiny one.
If you only had 30 days to live, what would you do?:
Probably exactly what I do nowadays.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
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