Tuesday, 6 July 2010

News - AFF

My internet is very sporadic atm - the laptop overheats, even with a cooling fan on, and that makes the dongle overheat and malfunction and I get cut off. Mostly I'm using my limited time online to keep up with friends on FB, so I'm on here very rarely. I should write a proper note one of these days when I'm offline, and then I'll just have to copy-paste it into here, but I haven't done it yet.

I don't know how it is that when I don't actually have anything to do with my time - uni's over until October, and I'm off work until I get the new computer - I seem to have even less time and energy than normal. Bizarre. *rolls eyes*

Anyway, over the last couple weeks I've mostly vegged out. Gardened a bit. Lay in the sun a lot. Made cornbread and tuna-pasta salad, which was my contribution to 4th of July dinner. Bought too much frilly underwear in Ann Summers.

Here's the chemise I bought - you can't see it wonderfully well, but it's red and black lace and satin, with pretty ribbons. Not at all the kind of thing I usually wear - I mostly go for white and pastels - but it's kind of cute.

Did that come out the right way up? Because for some reason my computer is showing my pics the wrong way up when I'm looking at the menu, but the right way up when I'm looking at them separately. I'm totally tech-retarded, though, and can't manage to fix it, although I'm sure Oli would have it right within 30 seconds. *shakes head sadly*

OK, I need to go to bed.

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