Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Friends Do Not Let Friends Dial Drunk

I am wasted.

Half a glass of wine. Shit, that's pathetic.

Last time I drank alcohol...I had a glass of rose grenache in August. And before that, I had two bottles of Bud Lite in March or April.


The text I meant to send to Curt said (just because I was feeling sorry for myself):

I am so wasted and nobody's texting me. I feel very unloved, boo hoo.

But I actually sent:

I am soo wastrd snd mobifux texting me...??i feel very unlobved, boo hoo

Mobifux? How did nobody's turn into mobifux? I suppose the letters are near each other on a qwerty keyboard (as I have on my phone), but really.

To which he responded, in a very mature way:

Why's that babe?

(I should add here that I absolutely love the man for not throwing a wobbly at me for being drunk on a Tuesday night when I swore I'd go to the gym this evening; a lot of guys would.)

So I said:

OMG, sooo sorry...half a glass of wine and my writing was illegible! Better now, not 100% but better.

I should have stopped there. I know I should. But noooo, I had to add:

Just be glad I didn't text you "I want your cock" which is what my girlfriends ordered me to say!"

Fuck. I don't know why girls - especially drunken girls - always feel the need to push the envelope. I would never text him that when I'm sober, why on earth would I when I'm drunk?

Bless him, though, he just made a joke about it. I love that man more and more every day. Especially since he's grown older and wiser, and now instinctively knows how to handle a situation to put me at ease.


So yeah, not a totally bad evening. I had fun with Olivia and Christie. I'm horrible when I drink, though - I become positive that I'm really really funny, and convince myself that everyone else finds me funny too.

Well, I'm going to bed - that's all I have to share with you lot tonight.

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