Monday, 23 May 2011

Ask Sati Anything! Roll Up, Roll Up, One-Time Offer...

The kidney infection seems to have mostly gone, but I have a really nasty case of trigeminal neuralgia. Also an impacted wisdom tooth that seems to have gotten infected. Between the two of them, this is agony that I've only felt when I've had the ear infections.

So I'm totally hopped up on pain meds, which are only making a few dents in the pain, but are making me act very, very drunk. I'm finding it hard to type this, in fact - every second word I have to go back and correct typos.

I have NO barriers right now. So go ahead, ask me anything. Anything you ever wanted to know but didn't feel like you could ask. Anything I haven't covered in a blog post. Anything at all. This is your chance to get total candor on any subject, even the ones that would normally make me blush.

It's a one-time only offer, ladies and gents. Or even sluts and pervs.

OK, I lie. Maybe it's not a one-time only offer. Maybe I'll make this a sticky post - a couple of my friends have them, and I think they're fun.

I shall respond between bouts of wailing and periods of knocked-out sleep.


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