Nothing too active, since I'm too darn sleepy. I spent the whole of last night in a miserable, wired-up state (it's that whole exhausted = doped up thing again) but by about 6am I felt OK. I texted Light Of My Life, who has his Organic Chem exam today, and wished him good luck. He was panicking a bit so I talked to him for a while, and tried to remind him that he's a smart, competent guy and there's no reason he shouldn't do well. Well, aside from the fact that he's spent most of his time this year working and trying to placate his gold-digger wife, but I didn't mention that. *rolls eyes*
(Can we pretend I didn't say that last sentence? Cheers.)
He asked me what I was planning to do today, so I jokingly told him, sit in the front garden in my blue bikini and worry about you. And then I sent him a picture (although not in the front garden, at 6am it was too cold to go out there) to which he replied, "Haha, lucky bikini!"
I have no idea if that means, "Oh, a lucky bikini, just like you have lucky earrings / socks / hair ornaments," or if it means, "Wow, lucky bikini to be covering your breasts." Knowing him, it could mean either, or both, and I didn't like to ask for clarification. It's not a great picture; I'm still at that phase of chubbiness where I don't look good unclothed unless I use weird angles. Oh well.
So I obliged, and lay in the sun for him while he was in his exam. And then I opened cards, and presents, and ate cake. God, I love birthday cake, even though I know that all that sugar gives me a stomachache. Tony and Debbie and Christie gave me this beautiful rustic wood sewing box, and Mom gave me TrueBlood seasons 1 and 2 - which I was overjoyed with - and some really lovely black and royal blue underwear, which I'll try and get a picture of later. I think it's going to be too small in the boobs, but oh well, they'll just have to spill over the top. I got a check from Papa and Stepmama, but of course I had to deposit that back in February when they sent it to me, or it'd be out of date by now.
I'm supposed to be going to dinner with Ma now, although my stomach has been acting up a little bit, and I'm not sure if I should put it off for a few days. I'll see how I am in a couple minutes.
And of course the party is on Sunday. I'm still a little nervous, but things seem to be coming together - Tony and Debbie are coming, and he said he'd try and bring the big BBQ round tomorrow so I don't have to go buy one, and Ma said she'd make a vegetable pancake bake and a potato salad and an apple cobbler, and I have affirmative responses from a handful of people, plus a couple nos (Ricky can't afford the train fare, Zia is visiting a cousin that week and Ellie, my best girlfriend, has to put her doggie down - very sad) plus one or two who aren't sure yet. Curt says definitely yes, although you can't ever be quite sure of him until the moment he turns up, so that'll be really nice; I haven't seen him in a couple months.
Yeah, I'm still worrying a bit, but I'm remembering to breathe.
So yeah, that's about it. It was a nice day, aside from the stomachaches. Although - the weather reports are now saying that Sunday we'll have rain. After I deliberately chose Sunday instead of Saturday because it was supposed to be the best weather of the week. Bastards.
(I'm not sure who are the bastards...the weather sprites, maybe?)
But I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I wish you were going to be here, though.
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