Tuesday, 7 June 2011


[Written at the beginning of April.

What were the nine words?

Words of love, and pain, and affection, and need, and an affirmation that Sati Marie Frost has plenty to offer the world, and you.

Perhaps one day, I'll tell you.]


life is easier to process

in fragments.

nine words

nine words
can break a heart
or make one whole.
they can creep down inside
and claw at you
or they can fill you
with such
that your heart
wants to explode.

nine words
can fill my veins with crimson snow
or act
like a
phosphorus burn.
once spoken
they cannot be unspoken
but will consume me
until all their fuel is gone.

months later
i stare at
nine words
i do not understand them.
they could be greek
of course
i understand greek
better than i understand

nine words
can confound
or make things simple.
nine words
make problems irrelevant
as all the issues
that came before
that came between
no longer matter.


nine words
say more to me
than all the others
you ever spoke.

nine words
can show me you
and can show me me.
because of those nine words
the path is clear
there is no other
possible way
for this to play out
and stay true.
to me.
to you.
and so
i pick up my suitcase
and i pick up my credit card
and i pick up the phone.

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