Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Kickstarting a New Blog

A first post should always be a happy post, I think. Start as you mean to go on. Things are not happy now, but they were, and will be again, so I shall give you this post from a month ago.

My name is Sati, and I love people. That is what I do. It is my job, my passion, my compulsion, my need.

There's a London based rapper and singer, who's been around for a few years but really rose to prominence this year. His name's Example, and he's more than a little bit fabulous. I intend to write more about him in a post soon, but for now, it's not actually him that I'm concerned with, but one of his songs.

Kickstarts. Like when your bike stalls out, and you have to get it going again. At least that's what my biking friends tell me - although what do I know, I've only ever ridden pillion.

He's doing mostly dance music right now, so it's repetitive. One verse, repeated. One hook, repeated. That's OK. It works.

You should probably YouTube the video, if you're interested. You don't have to or anything, it just might explain this post a little better if you had the images to go along with it.

You want me to come over, I got an excuse
Might be holding your hand, but I'm holding it loose
Go to talk, then we choke, it's like our neck's in a noose
Avoid the obvious, we should be facing the truth
Start to think it could be fizzling out
Kinda shocked because I never really had any doubts
Look into your eyes, imagine life without you
And the love kickstarts again.

And that's me and Light of My Life, right there. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is, as yet, unclear - and really, it's moot. It's us. It is what it is.

Ten years. Half of our teens and half of our twenties. Many partners for both of us. A handful of whom I've loved, and been in love with - really, truly. A couple times when we tried to make it as a couple, only to be tossed aside by fate and chance. Countless times that I've fallen in and out of love with him, and then back in again. One episode of cheating when we were just getting together, one rape, one miscarriage, one year of amnesia, one bad marriage.

And always, just when - like now - I think we're fizzling out, I look at him and my engine catches, and my heart remembers who it beats for again.

I do have more to say, but...but.

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