Saturday, 11 September 2010

Cybersex, Weird-Style

WARNING: This post contains sexual references.

There's something faintly unsettling about having cybersex while you're listening to Bach's Goldberg Variations.

The Man Who Is Not My Boyfriend (aka Oli) is on my messenger now, and is being very blunt about what he wants - for the fourth or fifth day running. This has to be a record for us, because for the last couple years things have followed a pattern - he gets all hot and bothered by me, and then leaves me alone for a couple days, even a couple weeks. On rare occasions he'll be a interested a couple times a week, but I don't think we've ever had a period where he wanted me 24-7, for more than a day or two at a time.

I know I shouldn't be overanalysing this, but I can't help wondering if it means things are looking up, finally. He's always run so hot and cold with me, and I've never been able to work out exactly what it is he wants. So even if this period doesn't last forever, it's very nice to have some sort of stability.

It's not Bach anymore - it's Myers' Cavatina, and He is telling me exactly how he wants me to suck his cock.

That's all I've got for you tonight - it's coming up 5am, and I'm tired and have a stomachache.

What's the most incongruous sexual experience you've had?

Note: I keep trying to edit this post, and it edits briefly and then goes back to how it was, so if it doesn't quite make sense, that's why.

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