Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Smugness Will NOT Be Tolerated

Ugh, just when I was getting all smug and self-satisfied about dodging the bullet that is also known as a visit to the doctor's, the sleep problems started up again.

Last time Oli and I broke up, I stopped eating. This time I appear to have stopped sleeping. *rolls eyes*

For the second half of last week, I had major problems sleeping - more major than normal, I mean. Since Thursday evening, I managed to sleep:

- 2 hours Friday morning
- 2 hours Saturday morning
- 6 hours Sunday evening

And I was thinking that I was going to have to concede the battle, and go see my doctor for some serious drugs. But then I went into town and looked at dresses and sweaters in Smooth Criminal, and bought comfort food - ie high-sugar, high-fat stuff that I hardly ever allow myself to eat - and when I came home I ate a chicken and stuffing sandwich (twice the calories and 5 times the fat of my usual ham salad...I guess stuffing has a lot of fat in it) and a chocolate milkshake, and wouldn't you know it? Fat and sugar did the trick, and I slept for eight hours Monday afternoon and evening, and another eight yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon.

So I was really pleased with myself...and now it's 6.50 Wednesday morning, and once again I've been awake for the last 14 hours. *sigh*

I know a lot of my fellow bloggers are also fellow insomniacs, so any coping strategies that worked for you would be welcome.

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