Thursday, 9 September 2010


Gentlemen: take note. When a woman asks how she looks, or if you like xyz, or if you think she's beautiful, or if an item of clothing suits her - or anything even remotely akin to this - she's not always fishing for compliments. Sometimes what we're fishing for is a little validation. An assurance that you still find us attractive, even though we no longer have the body of a pre-teen. We want to know that we're both loved and lusted after. That you think our best parts (legs, breasts, eyes) are beautiful, and that our worst parts (fat thighs, hairy toes, knobbly elbows) are things that you can overlook, rather than being deal-breakers.

Any strong, mature woman will agree that being comfortable and confident in herself is more important than what a man thinks of her, but most of those same women will also agree that they want their men to find them attractive and sexy.

So please, remember to compliment your women sometimes. I'm not talking about false compliments or endless sycophancy, I'm talking about remembering to say what you think, when you think something's good. If she wears a colour that looks great on her, tell her. If she cooks a meal that tastes spectacular, tell her. If you think that her kisses taste sweeter than honey, tell her.

And ladies - return the favour, yeah? :)

So much pleasure can be given, just by remembering to say it out loud when you appreciate something.

So, have you told your loved ones what you think of them today?

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