If things had gone the way I meant them to, I'd either be having sex right now, or would be asleep, having exhausted myself doing so.
I would also have seen my Dad and stepmother this morning, checked in at work, and had dinner with Oli before following him to some (unknown) place where he would have had me on my hands and knees, begging for his cock.
Damn trains. My stepmother texted me just before nine this morning to tell me there was a tube strike on, and to check the overground trains 'cause they might be upset too. Sure enough, when I called the local station they told me that services were "experiencing some delays". On a standard day - especially a Monday - services tend to experience a lot of delays, so for them to actually ADMIT it means it must have been pretty bad.
Therefore, no visit to my parents, and they're going down to the new house tomorrow or the next day - they've bought a place in Somerset, and have been spending a lot of time down there, although they're not set to move until October - so God only knows when I'll see them. Whenever they're back in London and I have a spare day when I'm healthy, I guess.
No checking in at work...well, that wasn't a big loss. But no Oli definitely was. Not only have I been nonstop horny for the last week, but for the last few days he's been very forward about wanting me, and I think - I wouldn't bet money on it, but I THINK - he might actually be starting to let himself need me, just a little bit.
Maybe. Not that I'm holding my breath or anything.
After all, I have more important things to hold my breath for.
I keep telling myself that it's a good thing I couldn't get to see him, as 1) I have a nasty mosquito bite on the corner of my mouth, and even opening my mouth wide enough to eat - let alone wise enough to suck him - is quite painful; and 2) We've experienced the frustration of London meetings several times. London meetings mean nowhere to have sex, since I live here in Alby, and I can't go to his place since his parents don't know about me. Actually, I don't think any of his family knows about me.
Unfortunately my arguments don't help much, since he told me to bring condoms today, indicating that he's found somewhere we can go, and as for the mosquito bite...well, if he were here, I'd take the pain and learn to love it if it meant I could please him.
I think I could learn to love most things if it meant pleasing him. *sigh* But wouldn't you know it, he doesn't have another day off for ages.
So this girl is fairly miserable today. Phone sex would be better than nothing, but it's 4am now, and I'm guessing he's asleep since he didn't respond to my last message. It seems quite monstrously unfair that something as stupid as an Underground strike could scupper my plans, especially when things are finally going well between us. Because who knows how long they'll be good for, before he gets weird on me again?
Well, I guess I just have to hope that they stay good for awhile; that I've wormed my way into his heart and he lets me remain there for more than a few days.
Sorry - I know I said that I'd try and post more often, about more interesting subjects, but I got nothing for you guys tonight.
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